So at our production meeting on Friday, we were (finally) planning our Easter services (that are in two weeks). The worship coordinator says, "Oh- do we have to have baptisms on Easter?" I laughed, thinking he was just adding a little sarcastic humor because OF COURSE we are going to have baptisms on Easter. He says, "No, seriously- do we have to have baptisms on Easter?"
Really? Are you kidding me? First, my lead pastor is wigging out because we haven't had as many baptisms as he would like- so where is this "no baptisms on easter" crap coming from?!
I was so surprised I had a hard time even responding. Easter is THE Sunday to get baptized- of all the 52 Sundays in the year, that's the ONE you get baptized on. And not just at my church- but Good Lord- all over the world and throughout history. It's difficult not to respond with copious amounts of sarcasm. I'm supposed to meet with my lead pastor on Tuesday, to continue the conversation we had a few weeks ago. I guess I'll hear from him then. I assume this push is coming from him, and not just the worship coordinator. I just can't figure out what else could be more important to include during the Easter service than baptisms and communion. I mean, if that's ALL we did, we would have a great service. But whatever.
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